John Horne was truly an influential “Man of Kent.” (The term is one of high honour regardless of the place of birth.) His Christian influence spread through the world and many today are thankful for him. He possessed numerous qualities and I mention two that are closely related. John could see ahead to what was possible. Others might see obstacles, he would see opportunities. Secondly, he could see what someone could become, through the grace of God. Along with others he was influential in establishing Barnabas Trust, now RockUK. In his lifetime, the work has grown to more than 50,000 guests annually visiting the Christian outdoor activity centres. John might have been a direct descendent of the Bible character Barnabas. He was an excellent example of what a “Son of Encouragement,” looks like. I thank God for his gentle and persistent stimulus to see what God could do through a life placed in the Lord’s hands. To a young teenage leader in the early years of Christian adventure holidays, John was a fine example of how to grow and develop the most unlikely people. His Godly influence has been on many of us. Rev Declan Flanagan